IRMASWORLD | 26. Juli 2020
In-flight skincare that keeps you save and relaxed

Irmas World

Publiziert: IRMASWORLD
Datum: 26. Juli 2020
Von: Jasmin Khezri

In IRMASWORLD gibt es Tipps, wie man entspannt aus dem Flugzeug steigt. Und erst einmal am Urlaubsort angekommen, muss man sich natürlich gut vor der Sonne schützen. Die Empfehlung? Die Suncare von Dr. Jetske Ultee.


In-flight skincare that keeps you save and relaxed

Be protected, stay hydrated and step off the plane in full glow, this is the goal when traveling these days.


We created a special travel relaxation set by IRMA that protects you and makes you want to shut your eyes while travelling to rest and arrive fully refreshed. Follow IRMA’s steps and travelling will be almost a spa treatment experience 😉.


Jetske Ultee Suncare SPF30

The uniqueness about this sun care product is that it contains UVA- and UVB-Filter Tinosorb S and M which do not enter the skin. They have no hormonal effect and have no free radicals.


For the very sensitive skin it contains Vitamin B3, Vitamin E and caffeine. These antioxidants have an additional protective effect on your skin.